Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why I Chose Mixer for Streaming

Mixer is smaller. Plain and simple. I am a small fish in a small pond. This opportunity is better than being a small fish in an OCEAN. I'd get lost or eaten alive.

I'm in the fortunate position of having time, but more importantly patience, for growth. What I'm trying to say is that I don't feel rushed about this whole thing. (Maybe that’s a poor quality?) I'd like to grow, but I see this endeavor as a war of attrition. I have to outlast the grind. I have to outlast the doubt that what I’m doing is even worth it. I just have to keep going forward and not give up. I can stream for 10 years before any growth. As long as I am enjoying myself I will keep it up.

With Mixer being a smaller platform, how does this help?

While there are fewer viewers watching on the Mixer platform, there are also fewer streamers. There are fewer games that have communities. There is more potential for a community to be built for a lot of games right now. Mixer just doesn't have a lot going on. That appears to be an opportunity...if you're willing to put in the time.

To be frank, I am not sure I am willing to put in the time. Right now I feel committed and excited. I have time and patience and motivation. I like the idea of doing this and learning all about it. Will I ever stop? Will I ever give up? I don't know. I think a lot of it depends on what I learn about this endeavor and what I learn about myself. How things grow over the years.

Mixer is growing. Mixer is only recently on-boarding some big-name streamers - the likes of Ninja and Shroud. With this growth is a chance for other streamers to develop communities. I figured that would be the best way to go for my start. It's certainly not easier, not that I can see so far. At this point, I'm running with my intuition and going with Mixer because it feels right for me. I have been a Twitch viewer for years. Now I am watching people on Mixer. It's a strange transition.

A Mixer feature that is decidedly different from Twitch: Sparks

While I don’t entirely understand the potential of the in-stream currency system: Sparks – I do see it as more engaging. As you view streams, you earn sparks. With Sparks, a viewer can “purchase” a variety of things to interact with streamers. It’s a way of getting involved and showing support. It’s also a way to spread the wealth. While these Sparks are worth fractions of pennies, they can add up to monetary values that top streamers will actually see dividends from. For smaller streamers, it may not mean much in the $$ sense, but it means A LOT when a viewer shares their Sparks with you. Small transactions of support and validation can go a long way for motivation and growth.

What else?
I have no clue. I’m literally on day number four of starting this journey. I have a lot to learn still. A lot to share.

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